
The ScienceTourism project designed guidelines and short courses for tourism practitioners to increase their skills in communicating climate change knowledge and design scientific tour products.



Science communication in tourism 

On behalf of the Hornafjörður Research Centre, two communication consultants, Birta Bjargardóttir and Gunnhildur Fríða Hallgrímsdóttir, analyzed the science communication methods of different nature-based tour companies operating in the glacial environments of southeast Iceland. On basis of their findings recommendations and guidelines to communicate climate science in tourism are developed. 





Science tourism product development support  

The Fab Lab (Fabrication Laboratory) in Höfn provide support for tourism companies that want to develop scientific tourism products. The Fab Lab is a workshop with equipment and tools to make almost anything. The Fab Lab workshop gives individuals and companies the opportunity to train their creativity and implement their ideas by designing, shaping and producing things with the help of digital technology. A list of diverse services that the Fablab provides for the Science Tourism project can be found here:  

Furthermore, the Fab Lab developed the following videos introducing the different services it provides to support the development of scientific tourism products: